Binyama who has been absconding village burials lost his son, Deus Barekye 30years who died at Mulago hospital on Tuesday.
According to Julius Mwesigye and Yakobo Rutuura both residents of the same area, they had no reason whatsoever to attend the burial of Binyama’s son since he has always disrespected other neighbors’ burials.
The area LCI chairperson Benon Tubesasa noted that Mzee John Binyama has always neglected village burials and the residents fining him will act as a lesson.
Mzee John Binyama who interacted with our reporter about the situation said he was always reluctant about attending burials but this has given him a lesson.
He said that he had already secured the cow worth Ugx2.5M remaining with the two jerrycans of Waragi as a fine for the indiscipline.